قصه تلخ وداع

سراپای دلم را لرزاند

یاد او افتادم

که به یک سیب

دلش می خندید

و به یک آه بلند

نفسش عادت داشت

روبرو تا ته کوچه

زمین برفی بود

خوب در یادم هست

آسمان آبی بود

باد سردی به تماشا می شد

برگ زردی رقصیدن گرفت

او از آن کوچه گذشت

دل من باز گرفت!

ای کاش جمله زیبای دوستت دارم

بی هیچ غرضی بر زبان ها جاری بود!

ای کاش از گفتن دوستت دارم،

 از ترس سوءتفاهم ها و غلط اندیشی ها باز نمی ایستادیم،

ای کاش محبت را بی هیچ چشمداشتی

حتی چشم داشت محبت،

به او که دوستش داریم هدیه میدادیم

ای کاش،

 جمله دوستت دارم

 را به هوس آلوده نمیکردیم....

ای کاش...


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age tip bezanim berim biroon migan ba ki gharar dari
age lebasaye mamuli beposhim migan u aslan salighe nadari
Age dir berim khone migan kodom gori bodi
age zod berim khone migan che ghalati kardi zod omadi
age ziyad begim doset daram migan baz che naghshee to sarete
age nagim doset daram migan paye kase digee vasate
age ziyad beheshon zang bezanim migan etemad nadari
age 1 modat zang nazanim migan mesle eenke saret kheili sholooghe
!age to khone ziyad bekhandim migan divone shodi
age nakhandim migan che margete landehoor
age sham bekhaym migan hamash be fekre shekameshe
age nakhaym migan zalil morde maloom nist ba ki sham koft karde
vali harchi mikhan bezar began

I am your sister; I am She Who Runs With The Wind. I say, 'My Love to all of you.' My spirit is your spirit; we share. I lived the days of plenty. Life was good; we ate well; we worked hard; we knew the land was our land; we were a people together. The Great Spirit flowed in our veins. He lived among His people. We were content. We knew the hardships. We faced the trials with strength together. We raised our children in our traditions. We had no fears from the outside. We were a strong people. We looked to the mountains. We looked to the strength of the great mountains. We looked to the plains. The plains were fertile. They provided. We had always enough. We sang. We listened to the words of the wise ones; we learned. We took in our hearts the words, and we lived them. And our children were free, and we were free. And the Great Spirit of God was in us, and He is in you; and He is full of Wisdom; and He is each of your days; and you are free, because He is in your being. And He is stronger than the mountains; and He is richer than the plains. And He lives. And even no man dies; He lives - and because He is within you, even though you die, you live. You live in the death of poverty and oppression; you live in the death of denial, in your life - in your world. I am your sister, my brothers and sisters; the Spirit lives in you, and so, there is no death."

When she was 'leaving' she said, "I am filled with joy to leave you this way. There is no darkness, even though the land may seem covered in it. There is only light - which you see in the sun - and which I see truly now. I await the day when we can all meet together in great rejoicing, which is my joy now. The hope, the wise man spoke of in my youth, truly lives

eshghe ye chizi mesle kashko doghe 
tamome zendegi por az doroghe 
hich kasi hich kasiro doost nadare 
dooset daram asheghetam shoare 
eshgha shode internety emaili 
majnon neshaste chat kone ba leili 
leili mige nanam ahle venize 
sofiyaloren to khonamoon kanize 
babaye man bacheye porteghale 
kari be karam nadare bahale 
kholase eshgh nagoftam ashe kashko doghe 
nagooftam asheghy hamash doroghe? 
hich kasi hich kasiro doost nadare 
dooset daram asheghetam shoare 
base dige berim peye karemon 
khoda khodesh bashe negah daremon

غریبه ، خسته ای ، خاموش و سردی
شبی تلخ و عبوسی ، مثل دردی
منو با خودت ببر ، یک روز از اینجا
غریبه ، ‌اگه فراموشم نکردی
غریبه آی غریبه آی غریبه
ببین دنیا پر از رنج و فریبه
غریبه آی غریبه آی غریبه
دلم تنگه ، غریبه آی غریبه

غریبه زندگی بی تو حرومه
کتاب خاطراتم نا تمومه
تنم سرد و دلم آشفته بی تو
نمیدونم که خوشبختی کدومه
غریبه مسکنت دشت کویره
آخه دلم داره اینجا میمیره
انگاری غافلی از این دل من
یه روزی میام میبینی خیلی دیره
غریبه آی غریبه آی غریبه
ببین دنیا پر از رنج و فریبه
غریبه آی غریبه آی غریبه
دلم تنگه ، دلم تنگه


ye doosti ke tazegiya bahash ashna shodam behem ye harfi zad ke khosham omad az harfesh " albate bishtar shabihe nasihat bood, vali be del neshast"  mesle hameye harfash.  goftam ba shoma azizan taghsiim konam. in doost ya shayadam ...    goft


ba tashakor az "HAMED" l